Full hour season finale set to air tonight at 8pm on nickelodeon.
Category Archive: Nick TMNT Series
Jul 29
Full SDCC TMNT panel reveals what to expect from the second season of the show
Last week at the San Diego Comic Con, the team behind the excellent TMNT animated series has presented their plans for the second season of the show. You can watch the full panel below:
– Casey Jones
– Baxter turns into a fly ala TMNT 87 show
– Raph’s pet turtle mutates into slash
– Irma will show up
– Shredder recruits a new mutant from Japan named Tiger Claw.
– Timothy (Pulverizer) plays a huge role as Mutagen Man
– There is an icecream-Cat mutant
– Hints that Bebop and Rocksteady will show up in the future (not sure if it is the 2nd or 3rd season) Edit: This was guessed for the response of show producer, Ciro Nieli, to a fan asking about the mutant duo, to which Ciro said “Be patient”
Check out some of the shown artworks thanks to herotaku:

Jun 28
Casey Jones Officially Joins the second season of Nick’s TMNT
The reckless hockey mask’s wearing fan favorite Casey Jones has been confirmed for the second season of Nick’s Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles.
Nickelodeon has revealed to THR that the character will be voiced by Josh Peck. More info will be revealed at the show panel during next month’s Comic Con. Ans amazing posted, seen below, will also go for sale, and is giving us our first look at casey Jones:
source: THR
Apr 11
Preview from next TMNT episode: Enemy of my Enemy, premiering this Friday
<iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/63821881″ width=”500″ height=”281″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/63821881″>Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles “Enemy of My Enemy”</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/user7030174″>Jessica Wilson</a> on <a href=”http://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a>.</p>
Apr 06
Original Turtles, Mutagen-Man and more hints for the next season of Nick’s TMNT
Nick’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has been pretty successful among fans and the target demographic for the show. The show has already been picked up for two more season while it is still running its first.
Talking to USA Today, Show-runner Ciro Nieli revealed some awesome tidbits about to expect from the next season of Teenage Mutant ninja turtles.
On the first season’s finale:
“Fans can guess there’s a lot in there that needs to come to a point. The trick is not letting that point burst,” the executive producer says. “There’s a million things we can do, but we have to temper ourselves so we can have a good series overall and not just a good season.”
And there will be explosions. “I always try to end episodes with an explosion,” Nieli admits. “Sometimes we can’t afford it and they get dust clouds, and I get disappointed and sad. It’s kind of a fail. A perfect show ends with a boom.”
On “Mutagen-Man” making his nick debut:
The toy version of the Mutagen Man was always a favorite of Nieli’s, he says. “All of us have one sitting on our desks and it’s just a matter of time: ‘Well, when are we going to do Mutagen Man?’