IDW has announced, through an interview with CBR, that massive story-line will be introduced with Issue #21 which might see Leonardo join the Shredder. The 7 issue arc will also introduce some favorite mutants and see Hun (from the 2k3 series) make his IDW Debut.
Another great news, is the fact that Mateus Santolouco, the great artist behind the History of the first Clan’s 1st issue, will be the main ongoing artist for the IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles books. Anybody else is excited as i am ?
From the CBR interview:
CBR News: IDW’s Turtles series has been working hard to set up the big pieces of the universe from issue #1, and there have been long-running plot threads within that. At what point did this “Cityfall” story become a part of the larger plan? Read more...